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錢濤的主要產品包括水泵、電機、空壓機。錢濤致力于制造高品質的產品,秉承“質量第一,誠信為本”的經營理念,服務于世界各地的客戶。多年來,錢濤不斷引進先進的自動化設備和技術軟件,不斷更新換代,積極進取,打造特色產品,在國內外市場上取得了驕人的成績。 我們很榮幸得到廣大客戶的支持和信任,我們將一如既往地以最真誠的態度和最專業的實力,為客戶提供最好的產品。 China Qiantao Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the hometown of Chinese water pumps, Wenling City, Zhejiang Province. The company was founded in 1998 with a registered capital of 50 million, having three factories with a total area of 70,000 square meters.There are more than 500 employees working in factorys and nearly half living in company collective dormitories. Qiantao is a production-oriented enterprise with strong capital and technical st... [詳細介紹] 暫無記錄